Sunday, January 9, 2011


Maternity leave is officially over. I've taken the return to retail slowly by only returning to one of my jobs now, & returning to the other one in a week after the kids have gotten used to mommy going back to work. I'll be completely honest with you, I love staying home with my kids, but I just couldn't do it every single day without a break. It's nice to get away, make a little extra money and be able to socialize with more than a two-year-old chatterbox on a daily basis. I absolutely love my job. I can't really explain why, I just do.

Those of you who work retail & are floored that I'm excited to go back. Enjoy the video below. You can relate to it, laugh about it, maybe even see your job in a different light. I know when my manager showed this to me, I laughed - a lot. I enjoyed knowing that I'm not the only one out there loving what they do, despite all the craziness that can be endured.

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