2010 was a year filled with the HIGHEST of highs, as well as the LOWEST of lows. This year was completely bi-polar for my entire family, & will be one that can never be forgotten. It was filled with tears of both sadness & happiness. A year that will go down in the books as one of the most memorable.
In the early part of 2010 First Avenue was a total loss in an electrical fire, as the end of the year approached we were blessed with the birth of Aripsemae. In between there was car accidents, multiple surgeries, learning we had a niece, & handfuls of festivals that kept our hearts filled. The bad was outweighed by the good, & in turn, taught us amazing values and lessons that'll stick with us for the rest of our lives. I wouldn't have skipped over this year, because in the end, a heart was mended by the most beautiful things.

I headed into 2011 a different person, a better person. I can't wait to experience everything life has to throw at me the next twelve months. I hope that despite what the past has dealt you - that you focus on making this next year something to remember, because you aren't guaranteed what you have today, tomorrow.
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