I'd like everyone to meet Carmen. She is one of the strongest & bravest little girls I have ever came in contact with. This little girl has been fighting since the day she was born to just survive.

Carmen was born with a congenital heart defect called double inlet left ventricle. She needed open heart surgery when she was only 26 days old. The surgery was a success but the night of her surgery she went into cardiac arrest. She received CPR for 151 minutes before being placed on life support. Carmen's brain didnt receive adequate oxygen during the 151 minutes of CPR which caused her to have significant brain damage. Her doctors claimed that 90% of her brain had died due to the lack of oxygen. Her doctors said she would not survive this injury, but she did. Due to the brain damage, Carmen cannot sit alone, crawl, walk, talk, or even eat anything by mouth. She receives all her nutrition through a surgically placed feeding tube in her stomach. She suffers from seizures daily. She cannot control movement of her arms and legs. Her neurologist diagnosed her with cerebral palsy by the time she was 9 months old.
There is hope for Carmen today. There is a doctor that treats cerebral palsy patients with stem cells from umbilical cord blood. This therapy is not covered by insurance and can cost up to 24 thousand dollars, depending on the prescribed therapy. This therapy could enable Carmen to walk, talk, crawl, and play like other kids her age. Unfortunately, her parents cannot afford the 24k. So, together some wonderful boutiques have put together an auction to help raise the money!
CARMEN'S AUCTION can be found here. The auction closes on May 8th, so please, open your hearts to this little girl!

We have created three pieces specially for this auction; one girl's bib, one boy's bib, & one headband. All proceeds will be going to Carmen, & shipping is on us! I would be thrilled if everyone at least clicked over & check out the boutique items up for auction, a lot of wonderful ladies put in a lot of hard work to create these items.

Zebra Bib with double hot pink ruffles, soft faux fur backing & velcro closure.
Starting bid $3 Click to head over & bid on this item!

Dog Love boy bib in blues & browns with soft light blue chenille backing & velcro closure.
Starting bid $3 Click to head over & bid on this item!

Two large fuchsia flowers embellished with pearls headband, sizing newborn to adult
Starting bid $3 Click to head over & bid on this item!
Let's work together & get Carmen the stem cell therapy she needs! The younger the child, the better the outcome! She needs this now, let's give her the best third birthday present ever! Once again, here is the link to the auction, & big thanks to Pretty Little Princess for hosting this auction!