After having my daughter I learned a lot about late night slumber parties, & being literally connected at the hip to someone. I feel like a little girl again myself - hanging out to all hours of the night, talking about fashion & ideas of what the future holds.
Most nights, we find ourselves cuddled together on the armchair in me & my husband's bedroom just talking about everything that went on that day. The silly things Daycen did, what we saw & heard on our adventures out of the house, ideas of cute outfits for the next day or how much we loved the ones worn previously. I talk up a storm, & she listens; cooing me on as I ramble.

We get along quite wonderfully.They always say your little girl will be a
daddy's girl, I think in my case, I lucked out. She absolutely adores me as much as I do her.

And as much as I
love staying up and enjoying
girl time with her - I'm excited when her little eyes flutter shut. She tends to stay up well past midnight, her eyes normally wide & bright. By the time she settles down; my body is over-tired, sore & refusing to relax. So, I spend most nights, still cuddled in that chair after she's been sent to bed.

Thankfully for my brother's girlfriend, Lindsay, I'm stocked up on a great book series to get me through the long minutes before my eyes finally feel heavy again. I'd love for my sweet baby girl to call it a night earlier, Does anyone have any fantastic night rituals that put a four-month-old to bed quickly? I sure could use some fresh ideas!