Every Valentine's Day eve, we create Heart-Shaped pizza's from scratch. We checked the prices of local pizza places that create these types of treats for the holiday & have found if the ingrenidents are on sale (which this year they were!) you can create two to three pizza's for the price of one already pre-made. Plus, the fun that goes into making them, & adding other toppings other than your typical pepperoni was the best route to go!

Our Valentine's Day post
LAST YEAR got a lot of traffic the past two months. I've also received a few questions in my inbox on how to craft these. To be complete honest with you, we wing it every year! But, I know saying that doesn't really help. So, here is a simple attempt to make your creating a little bit simpler.

We buy the 75 cent box of jiffy pizza crust (yeast is not my friend, I cannot handle baking with it, so we chose the less of a headache.) With the mixture, all you do is mix it with 1/2 cup of hot water - place a towel over the bowl wait five minutes & you are ready to roll! Normally while my crust is forming, I dice up the fixings for the top of the pizza. My family is a fan of pepperoni, mushrooms, & black olives (except my husband, he hates those olives! So, to keep him happy all our hearts were half & half.)

Here comes the hard part, the rolling of the crust. Make sure you lay down plenty of flour, I'm talking more than you'd need for cookies! Coat both your table, dough, hands, & rolling pin. I start by molding the dough into a oval shape. Than I slit the top of the oval down the middle. (I know, I should have taken pictures, but my hands were so gooey.) With the rolling pin, I started at the bottom & rolled up in both directions to form a image that sort of resembled a heart. Once it was rolled, we lifted it & set it on the greased pan. From here, I perfected the heart, pulling it this way & that.

After perforating the crust & raising the edge of the pizza's to ensure that the toppings don't roll off, we covered our pizza's with sauce & toppings. I recommend taking it easy on the fixings, a little goes a LONG way.

Bake the pizza's at 425 degrees for 18-20 minutes (or whatever your crust packaging recommends.) Pull them out, let cool for about five minutes (otherwise the tip of your tongue maybe burned from your delicious sauce & melted cheese!), & serve.
I hope everyone had a fantastic day with the ones you loved yesterday. I can promise you we did! Even though our little lady wasn't being so lady-like in her dress...