My husband is even sicker.
My son feels the need to "tummy ache" quite often.
As for Baby Sister .... 100% healthy.
so, sadly for her, she's been on her own with playing.
What is a child to do when all the cars & trains are her for the taking? And the kitchen is open for pretend cooking. The books sit untouched on the shelves, & the blocks can be built without fear of someone pushing them over.
Everything is there for her & only her. So, what does she decide to do....
attempt to learn how to tackle the stairs.
I knew this day would come, I was just hoping it would be a day that I could chase her without feeling so light headed. She seemed scared at first (perhaps this is only what she wanted me to think) but after a few test runs she excelled the stairs like a professional rock climber. You'd have never thought she'd just started walking, & would have swore she's been doing it for months!
We had our own "Leap Year" craft activity. It was the one thing my son would get off the couch for...
I've learned that I have come to love my daughter's hair. Some days it lays flat, others, she gets a little curve to it. Her bangs get in the way unless clipped back, but I'm too stubborn to cut them. Sooner or later she can tuck them behind her ears. ♥
I hope to feel as great as my daughter does tomorrow morning. I hope to be myself again. But in order to do that - I must take my medicine, snuggle under the covers, & watch another round of Puss in Boots. Please, stay healthy everyone. This is no fun. ♥
At least, no fun to us. Ripsi might enjoy having the house to herself while we groan on the couches.